16 June 2024

World Hydrography Day

Today is the World Hydrography Day!

Its main purpose is to promote the role of hydrographers and to highlight the importance of the work provided by hydrographic services. But there is more! We are also celebrating the scientific progress and achievements that have contributed to the development of the functions performed by hydrographers.

For more than 10 years now, during various commercial surveys and scientific studies, hydrographers from MEWO S.A. have been providing the Hydrographic Office of the Polish Navy with bathymetric and sonar data (more than 5000 km2) as well as information on underwater objects (approx. 500) for the purpose of updating nautical publications.

On this special day, we want to honour all hydrographers who work to ensure the safety of navigation across the seas and oceans. We are proud to be part of this valuable community.